Tri-County Independent Living Center, Inc - Akron, Ohio

Tri-County Independent Living Center, Inc.

520 S Main ST
Suite 2501
Akron, OH 44311



Ohio Relay

Dial 711



Office Hours

Monday - Friday
8:00 am to 4:30 pm

Calls made at other times are answered by voice mail

Ohio Abilities Network

What is Peer Support?

Peer Support is offered by the Tri-County Independent Living Center, Inc. (TCILC) free of charge, to persons with disabilities (l8 years or older) in the Summit, Portage, and Stark County areas.

The basic philosophy behind peer support is one person with a disability offering to share his or her life experience and knowledge with another person with a disability who may be encountering a similar experience or problem.

The relationship of the peer supporter and the consumer is initiated by the consumer, who sets his/her own objectives and goals and explores options for problem solving with the peer supporter.

Peer support focuses on the present and on problems that are being experienced now. Peer support is a goal-oriented process with the outcome or results remaining in the hands of the consumer.

The peer supporter's responsibility is to assist the consumer in increasing self-confidence and ability to access community resources. The peer supporter is not there to "DO" for the consumer but rather to offer the necessary support that will enable the consumer to "DO" for himself.

Topics discussed in peer support may include: attendant care, transportation, housing, employment, relationships, sexuality and other issues important to the consumer.

Who Are Peer Supporters?

Peer supporters are women and men volunteers with a variety of disabilities who have been reasonably successful in managing and controlling their own lives, and are willing to share experiences with another person with a disability. Peer Supporters must possess the ability to be empathetic as well as being a good listener. Peer supporters are not professional counselors or therapists but they have received training in peer support philosophy.

Peer Support may be provided by telephone and/or in person, depending upon the arrangements made by the peer supporter and the consumer.

Peer Support Group meeting date info

Peer Support Group Meetings are held the 2nd Wed of each Month from 1:00pm to 2:30pm.

Call 330-762-0007 to get more information.

All information contained within the TCILC website is the property of Tri-County Independent Living Center, Inc.
and may not be reproduced without express written permission from TCILC.
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