Tri-County Independent Living Center, Inc - Akron, Ohio

Tri-County Independent Living Center, Inc.

520 S Main ST
Suite 2501
Akron, OH 44311



Ohio Relay

Dial 711



Office Hours

Monday - Friday
8:00 am to 4:30 pm

Calls made at other times are answered by voice mail

Ohio Abilities Network


Advocacy: Action by an individual or group in support of a cause, ideal, or policy to effect change, advance a cause, or raise public awareness. Actions to achieve these goals may take the form of demonstrations, working for legislative change, conducting educational activities, or organizing others.

Tri-County Independent Living Center, Inc. serves as a catalyst in advocacy efforts between consumers and the community. Consumers are encouraged to develop skills to become effective advocates for themselves and for issues of local and national interest within the disability community.

What services are offered for Advocacy?

Tri-County Independent Living Center offers:


Training for individuals who desire to develop and/or improve advocacy skills.


Opportunities to create change individually and in the community.


Information regarding current issues and trends within the disability community.


Assistance in overcoming barriers to advocacy.

More Information...

Recent issues of advocacy include nursing home transition, affordable, accessible housing, work incentive legislation, sidewalk curb cuts, and disability awareness.

Persons interested in learning more about advocacy, being involved in ongoing advocacy efforts, or needing assistance advocating for themselves, please contact us at 330-762-0007, or use our contact form to send us a message.

All information contained within the TCILC website is the property of Tri-County Independent Living Center, Inc.
and may not be reproduced without express written permission from TCILC.
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